We help Danish and international companies find and recruit managers, CXOs and business-critical specialists.
We help companies find the best candidates and according to our clients, we are among the best at managing the complex recruitment processes involved in finding managers, CXOs and business-critical specialists for our customers.
We deliver uncompromising quality, but our processes are always flexible. We have over 20 years of experience in consulting and expertise from more than 1000 employment processes. Our network is far-reaching both nationally and internationally and we are highly experienced in theory and practice.
We are not afraid to challenge ourselves and our clients in the search to find the perfect candidate. We believe that you can move people to where they need to be using provocative motivation.
We comply with standards and ethical rules for international search, cf.
Association of Executive Search Consultants - www.aesc.org
We are a partner member of AGILIUM WORLDWIDE - www.agiliumworldwide.com
We are SORTH & CO and we look forward to learning about who you are ...